Yes, folks do get impatient with the productive urgency of zucchini. If you're starting to eye backseats of cars to release your zucchini surplus, or if you are surprised by a gift from a zucchini philanthropist in your backseat, try roasting some zucchini slices. It's a tasty way to dispatch a pile of zucchini and at the same time transform this under-appreciated vegetable into a compelling and richly flavored side dish or snack. Guaranteed - the plate will be clean!
To roast zucchini: Slice into medium-width rounds. Toss with a good oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Other herbs may be sprinkled on: dried or chopped fresh basil, oregano, garlic - experiment!
Arrange the slices on cookie trays and roast at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Turn the slices at about the ten minute mark - just mix them up with a spatula, turning as many as you can; you don't have to painstakingly flip each one. Slices are done when soft and nicely browned.
I sliced up some onion and some of those new tomatoes I got in my box this week. Mixed all with the ingredients from the recipe, baked it as directed and topped it with graded parmesan after I dished it out onto the plates. Delicious summer meal!